14 July, 2009

Game Journal: Fallout 3

written by Blain Newport on Monday, July 13, 2009


Alright. Where did we leave off?

Wow! Canterbury! That was over a week ago! I don't even know where to start. Part of me just wants to follow the pictures I've taken. But at five a post, that would take... well let's just say I'd have to take a break from posting Fallout 3 stories to cover PAX. :P I've got over 600 pictures. There are a fair amount of dupes and just plain bad photos I could weed out from that. But obviously I need to be selective.

But I look at those first few pictures and I remember them. I even remember stuff that happened before and after them that I didn't snap photos of. SO MUCH STUFF happens in this game. And a lot of the events are tied together. Sometimes the fact that I just happened to find all the clues made me wonder if the game was cheating me down a path. But my brother also took advantage of the sale and almost immediately started doing things completely unfamiliar to me. The stuff he's doing sounds interesting. But it does make it hard to discuss, since neither of us want spoilers. Luckily, most of the people who read this will never play Fallout 3, so I can tell you anything I want.

I'll try and be selective while still keeping continuity.

First off, I exaggerated when I called Canterbury Commons a town. There are five people who live there and usually some traders. (The mayor used to be a trader and set up the place because there was a major trade route with no place to stop.) Consequently, after I'd dealt with the superhero threat, there wasn't much left to do.

It was time to head for Minefield, stopping for a couple points of interest along the way. The first was the Temple of the Union.

A few escaped slaves set up this outpost to help other escapees. They never said how they got the head of the Lincoln Memorial. They told me the memorial had been taken over by Super Mutants and asked if I could help. I said yes, but it would be a long time before I made good.

The second point of interest (completely unmarked on the map) was this rocket in the middle of nowhere.

I knew it wasn't a real rocket. It was obviously the top of one of those Red Rocket places. (I think those are bus stops. There all over and they have no apparent function. But sometimes there are covered benches or soda machines near them. And on the subject of transportation, the cars never hovered. They just looked really futuristic and the tires had been stolen. :P )

As you can see by the radar at the bottom left, there were also a huge number of hostiles (the little red bars) in the area. Luckily they mostly turned out to be mutant cockroaches, dangerous but not deadly. But the one that wasn't was a crazy guy with an antenna hat and a mini-gun. The game dubbed him the Roach King. That big rock I'm hiding behind is really the only thing that saved me from him. I would run away from the Roach King, taking a moment to kill any attacking roaches or taking a free shot at the man himself. It was probably two or three minutes of fight, which is a long time to take down one guy. But in the end the Roach King fell, and I took his kingdom.

But I didn't wear the hat. Trying on that crazy ant lady's armor was enough dress up. And I'll be forced to put on some pretty silly costumes later on, when my armor degrades. If you look behind me you can see a couple bottles of water and a mini nuke inside the rocket. They're bugging me now, because I'm not sure I noticed them at the time. :(

A couple other minor things happened. I played hide and seek with some giant mutant mole rats. They were very hard to shake on open ground in daylight, but as long as I kept a wide berth, I could sneak away as fast as they could amble over to investigate. It taught me a bit about how stealth works.

I also discovered that the landmines in crazy ant lady's lair were bought at a flea market or something. I ran across a barn that had been mined and found that real mines had a much larger trigger radius and sometimes didn't seem possible to disarm. I was not looking forward to Minefield so much by the time I got there.

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