10 July, 2009

Game Journal: Fallout 3

written by Blain Newport on Sunday, July 5, 2009


My plan was simple. I would hit up my stash to drop off what I was carrying.

Then I would head out for Minefield. I'm not sure if it's just a mine field, or a town that got mined and is now called Minefield. Either way, it's not a place a sane person would go. So let's go! :P

Along the way I got sidetracked a number of times. Once I saw an explosion in the sky that left a smoke trail. But when I tried to run it down I couldn't find what, if anything, had fallen to earth.

And then I saw this giant crab man hanging out under a bridge. Only two rads for twenty four health is about as good a healing ratio as you'll find outside of a stim pack. Crab men are good eating, apparently.

As I continued to make my way north, I ran into some raiders. The first one was easy to dispatch, but the second threw four grenades at me from somewhere I couldn't see and blew me all to heck. I had to use a pile of stim packs just to keep my extremities attached. A subsequent raider grenade attack even damaged my helmeted head.

It was at this point that I abandoned the idea of getting to Minefield in a single trip and instead diverted towards nearby Canterbury Commons to see if I couldn't find a bed to heal up in. I was not prepared for what I found there.

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