Yay! More charts!
This chart shows that while I play more third person action games than first person shooters, I tend to score them slightly lower. That's probably a fair statement, but trying to cut the data twice makes the slices small enough that extracting meaningful conclusions from them is risky business.
This next chart, for example, says absolutely nothing.
Well, it says I play PC games mostly, but we already knew that. And I guess it is interesting that I have proportionally way too many 4s for platforms that are not PC combined.
Looking at it more closely, the PC fours are a fairly homogeneous group compared to the console fours.
PC Fours
- Bioshock
- Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
- Jericho
- King Kong
- Rogue Trooper
- VtM: Bloodlines
They're all action games, and almost all first person. Only two are PC exclusives, but when you factor in that I don't have a 360 or PS3, Rogue Trooper is the only one I could have played on anything but PC.
Other Fours
- Rocket Slime
- Pikmin
- Crimson Sea 2
- Yakuza
- Mario Galaxy
- The Suffering
The genres are a bit more varied in the non-PC space, and they are all third person. The Suffering is the only one I could have played on PC instead.
One idea that strikes me is that all but one of the non-PC games aren't just unavailable on PC. They're also only available on a single console. Perhaps being able to play to the strengths of specific controls and hardware also makes a difference big enough to improve a score.
I didn't really mean to get into the discussion of the high rated games so soon, but it's where the data's taken me, and now that I'm looking at them, one commonality is really striking.
These are all weird games. There's something that makes all of them feel like nothing else I've played. Sometimes it's the setting. Sometimes it's the mechanics of play. Sometimes it's both. But I definitely get a charge out of the unusual.
Actually, now that I look at the whole list, you could probably say that of most of the games I play. Sure, I've got a few bog standard ones in there (Quake 4, anyone?), but I'd say my tastes run pretty eclectic, especially considering I play almost exclusively action games.
The breadth of experience in games has always been something I've had trouble expressing to people. But let's do a quick run down of where (and who) I've been.
I've been to prison. I've been to other planets. I've been to castles and fortresses. I've been on battlefields and uncharted islands. I've been through caves and climbed mountains. (They had stairs.) I've been to an underwater utopia (dystopia, really). And I've been to Tokyo (which was arguably the strangest of all).
Who I've been hasn't been as diverse (in these games, at any rate). I've mostly been criminals, soldiers, and monsters of varying temperaments. You could argue I was a gardener in Pikmin, I suppose. But I defy anyone to argue that Mario is a plumber. :) The man is the defender of the Mushroom Kingdom. Period. Has the man even held a wrench?
All right. That's enough navel gazing. Tomorrow I'll post some more pictures from Dark Messiah.
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