28 April, 2009

Keepalive: Some Demos and A Goodbye

written on Monday, April 27, 2009

Not much gaming today. I peeked at some demos. But I really didn't care. Braid may have interesting mechanics, but it's platforming is below the standard set by Super Mario Brothers in 1986, and I'm not big on puzzle games to begin with.

Flock (by Capcom) is also kind of puzzly. You use a UFO to herd sheep back to the mother ship. I didn't like the PC controls, and the first time some sheep fell in the water (level four, I think) I was done with it.

And finally, I took a look at X-Blades. It's supposed to be a brawler in the vein of Devil May Cry, God of War, etc. The reviews were terrible, but then they were terrible for Jericho as well. In this case, I agree with the reviews, though. The combat has no feel or depth. And the female protagonist is only nominally dressed. If you're not twelve, there's no reason to play it. And if you are twelve, you probably shouldn't be allowed to play it.

In other news, Stephen Totilo left MTV Multiplayer. He and Patrick Klepek were why I read the site. I guess I'll leave it in my feed reader for a bit, but I doubt they're going to find anyone as good to replace them, and I've never been a fan of Tracey John.

The rub is that Totilo left for Kotaku. After Brian Crecente said that Cheapy D and Cheap Ass Gamer had lost all credibility because he got caught posting a fake rumor off a member blog without so much as sending an email to verify the information's veracity, I stopped reading Kotaku. Cheapy made me realize that it's a tabloid, not a news source. I was never even tempted to read the print tabloids, and I'm not interested in reading the online ones. Totilo says he'll be writing the same type of content he wrote for Multiplayer, so maybe if there's an RSS feed with just his posts, I'll keep up with him.

I picked up The Red Star, a PS2 co-op brawler / shooter, for Tuesday night co-op. I haven't broken the shrink wrap so we can learn the mechanics at the same time. I've heard good things about it. fingers crossed

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