08 April, 2009

Keepalive: Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

written on Wednesday, April 8, 2009

More Shaolin Monks Ko-op was played. We didn't get too lost (apart from one section of climbing wall in The Wastelands that it took us five passes to see). But outside of the occasional navigation difficulty, Shaolin Monks is a simple game about beating up everything you see. In this session we beat up Baraka, Sub-Zero, Goro, and Scorpion (who takes forever to beat). I think we're just about done with it.

For my own part I'm playing through Dark Messiah of Might and Magic again, this time as a magic user. It's not as satisfying as the melee build I used last time, but it's enough different to keep me interested. Whereas kicking was interspersed with blocking and bashing mostly before, it is now interspersed with shooting jerks with flame arrows and using charm spells on their friends to turn them against each other. Charm can also be used as a stealth spell, I think. But I generally prefer to leave nothing but rotting corpses behind me. Maybe I'll play out the evil ending this time.

Also, Cheap Ass Gamer introduced a feature that will send me an email if a given game drops below a price I set. If this works, it could be very useful, both to me and to CAG, as they could tell publishers how many people are waiting to buy their game at what price point.

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