Plot Summary
I finally managed to get the five (!?) temple keys together and open the temple. This unleashed a plague of undead upon the land. I hoped that by killing whatever was in the temple, I could stop the plague.
It was slow going. There are lots of undead in the temple, and killing them is a pain. Skeletons aren't too bad, since I've learned how to spam them to death. But mummies do not work that way and must be picked off with a bow. Not many merchants sell arrows in the desert, so I'm at half my normal arrow compliment (normal being 1000 arrows).

You can see the mummy at my feet to the left and the one in front of me (also to the left). You can also see copious amounts of spider webs. There were absolutely no spiders. :P And finally, you can see my problem with exploring deeper into the temple since I can't use a torch and bow at the same time. Luckily, I had a bright (hurr dee hurr) idea.

Fire arrows! They don't cast as much light, but it's better than having to lure every mummy in the temple all the way back to the entrance. There was one bad guy that this wouldn't work on, though.

Meet the undead priest. Apparently he's what the prophecies were warning me about. The first time I met him, he killed me with one hit of a fire spell. The next time, (pictured above) I just peeked out to get his attention, then ambushed him at a corner. He still got a shot off, but this time I'd equipped two fire resist rings, so it only took off most of my health instead of killing me outright.
Normally, I hate saving and loading as game design, especially when the loading takes upwards of two minutes. But Gothic 3 has conditioned me. It's like the horrible load times are part of the game's relaxed pacing. I've even been rereading the last few issues of EGM (ever) while the game loads.
I guess the main difference is the pacing, the groove of the game. In an action game, I hate having to wait just when I'm getting into it or am at my most frustrated. But Gothic 3's combat isn't frenetic enough to get me worked up and is rarely frustrating. Once you know how to pull one or two enemies out of a group, combat's always pretty straightforward. Either shoot some arrows, run back a bit, and repeat, or wait for an opening, then hack until victory.
It's an emotional experience more on par with weeding a garden than actual combat.