<Farnsworth>Ho hu wha?</Farnsworth> But people hated that game? You yourself bought it for five dollars and it hasn't been out for a year yet! And that's the same score you gave to Stalker! You pig!
All my belly aching and indignation aside, I enjoyed Blacksite. The gameplay is straightforward FPS fare. Guys pop up; you shoot them. Occasionally they shoot back enough that you have to take cover. Blacksite is another victim of its own hype (see Jericho). It was billed as being edgy and topical, but it's really a standard conspiracy plot. The government did some bad stuff that blew up in its face, and you have to clean it up. It's just an excuse to shoot stuff and doesn't get in the way, well, mostly.
See this guy? He's showing you a picture of his daughter. Plus he's black. Plus he believes in the government. I would have preferred it if he'd just worn a big neon sign that said "I'm going to die."
Plus look at the ridiculous lighting. The highlights have nothing to do with where the light is coming from, and if you look at the full size version you can see that the shadows on the ground and the self shadowing on the white guy's face are being done on a low res grid. I find it distracting. Of course, this game was made using the Unreal engine, so almost everything in the game looks like it was "pooped out by the Vaseline Monster" (to steal a phrase from 1UP's Shawn Elliot).
It's amazing the vehicle gets any traction at all. :P
So, as per usual, I'm my own worst enemy. I'd like it if games were more innovative, but I really didn't mind it that Blacksite wasn't. Then again, I bought it for five bucks off of GoGamer, so my standards are lower, and no game company is licensing the Unreal engine to pursue the five dollar game market.
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