06 June, 2008

Just A Couple Screenshots: Penny Arcade Adventures, Devil May Cry 4

First, here's the version of me that I created in the Penny Arcade game. As a male, I couldn't find any long hair. Given the early 1900s feel of the game, I guess that makes sense. So I just went for the one with the most receedingest hairline.

And here's a screen shot of the boss you can fight in the Devil May Cry 4 demo for PC.

Yeah. He's big.

Overall I'm pleased with the demo. Nero (the guy in the coat) moves more slowly than I remember Dante (the hero from the older games) moving. I think that's to encourage the player to use his special yoink power to grab enemies and bring them to him. But I prefer being a jumping bean.

It's also not as satisfying to play on the PC. Sure, I can play at a resolution higher than most HD TVs, but the truth is we're still a long way from photorealism, and high resolutions just make that easier to spot. Look! That floor texture looks painted on! Look! Those pipe textures are super low resolution! Look! See how the snow meet a curved surface in a perfectly straight line! I guess it's the uncanny valley as it applies to scenery.

We probably won't get past that until we have the video memory (and art budgets) to give every surface in the game world high resolution texture, bump, and specular maps. And even then, there'll probably just be new issues. For as far as it's come, the technology has a long way to go.

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