25 February, 2008

Thinking of You

For the past few days I've been playing a bit of Just Cause. I stopped playing it on my old system because it would stutter horribly. It still stutters on my new system (something to do with the sound caching, I expect), but it's tolerable. It's also a fairly pretty game. The lush foliage is created through cheap tricks, and is completely non-interactive. But it still evokes memories of the years I lived in Hawaii. It's an open world game, and I'm a bit of a completist, so I'll probably be playing it for a couple more days before there's any review. Here's a postcard to tide you over.

I was going to post a prettier picture, but this is more "me".


Salt Racer said...

See, with a postcard like that I thought you were going to say that it reminds you of your time in Joint Ops.

But the foliage is beautiful.

Blain Newport said...

Yeah. It really is beautiful. Most of the plants look exactly the same, and none of it reacts to gunfire or driving through it, like Crysis' bushes and trees do, but I keep finding myself amazed at how many sense memories I still have of those types of environments. I guess South America was only three years ago, so that's not as far back as I was thinking. Maybe I should post a photo from that trip alongside the review. Meh. It's a good excuse to look at pretty pictures and get nostalgic.

Also, I was talking to Mike a while back and he said planting satchels on vehicles is no longer allowed in Joint Ops. People can (and do) use aimbots all day since PunkBuster support was dropped long ago, but no more satchels.

You can't go home again.

All that said, some enthusiast press folks are wowed by the proposed 60 person multiplayer in Resistance 2. In Joint Ops, there were 100+ person matches years ago. Only a few servers were powerful enough to support them, but they were crazy fun, if a bit stalemate heavy.

It's amazing how fast the enthusiast press forgets. Actually, since many of them work for console-centric outlets, they may actually be ignorant. That's sad.