05 August, 2009

Game Journal: Fallout 3

written by Blain Newport on Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I found a house in D.C. It had a domestic robot in it. I told it to read the children a bedtime story. It left its housing, went to a bunk bed with a couple of skeletons in it, and recited the following.

There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;

And frogs in the pool singing at night,
And wild plum trees in tremulous white;

Robins will wear their feathery fire,
Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;

And not one will know of the war, not one
Will care at last when it is done.

Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree,
If mankind perished utterly;

And Spring herself when she woke at dawn
Would scarcely know that we were gone.

It was an interesting poem to ponder. The world didn't seem to be recovering so well. According to Wikipedia it was a poem about World War I. It occurred to me that the poet (Sara Teasdale) couldn't even have imagined that we would eventually be able to devastate the world to this extent. That, and earning the "Doesn't Play Well with Others" achievement for killing 300 humans, made me think that maybe Fallout me needed a sanity check.

The mannequin was very supportive and advised me to try and do something helpful for someone. So when I found an underground entrance to Our Lady of Hope Hospital, it seemed fortuitous.

Naturally, there was no one left to help. The super mutants had chopped them into parts and hung the sacks of parts from the ceiling. It was less life affirming than I might have hoped. And even my righteous vengeance was somewhat blunted. I killed this super mutant, but I felt bad about looting him. It seemed like I was emasculating him somehow.

After a time, I came to a room in the hospital which had a big hole in the floor. I generally don't like to go into any place where I can't easily get back out. But I was feeling adventurous. It was pretty cool. I got to go out over some kind of fallen radio tower to an adjoining building.

And from there it was killing everything. There were super mutants and traps all over. They even trapped a toilet. Unconscionable scum. But because I had no way to return to my stash, I was forced to carry only what I most wanted. It was liberating. It was also kind of cool to use every gun that dropped for spare parts. Eventually I had multiple assault rifles in perfect condition.

I eventually made it to the roof, where there was some noisy fighting in progress. When I finally made it to the topmost terrace, it looked like someone had been very busy.

I approached very carefully, as I didn't really want to mess with whoever was holding the line against a couple dozen super mutants. Luckily, they were friendly.

They needed my help with repairing the elevator so we could escape as they were low on supplies and lacked the parts they needed. I handed out some ammo and fixed the elevator. Then we blasted our way out of the lobby. It was awesome.

Brick was laying waste with her mini-gun (named Eugene). Butcher was popping heads with his sub-machine gun. Other people who's names I forget were there. It always feels good to be part of a team kicking ass. After cleaning out the lobby, they took off and said to come check out their base. Their boss would have a reward for me. That was cool. But I was just glad to be shaken out my angst.

Next Time: A mercy killing, reward, and museum visit

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