28 January, 2009

Game Journal: Gothic 3


After paying Gonzales' exorbitant price for the key, I figured all I had to was sell the keys to the lead orc and waltz into the temple behind him. No such luck. He wouldn't even talk to me.

So I drew my sword. He got mad. When he got mad enough to chase me away from the settlement. I beat the snot out of him.

Yay! Glorious victory. Hey. Why can't I open the temple door? What? I've only got four keys? What the dill? Maybe Kirk didn't give me his key, so I'll need him to come down here. Huh. Kirk seems to want to go off to see the desert raiders. Do they have the key? Oh. Kirk just wants to kill me.

Just look at him. So dashing. So commanding. So toast.

Finally, I took all five keys to the temple and opened it. There were some skeletons inside which I quickly killed. Then I heard noises coming from the orc camp. What were they so worked up about?

Oh. Undead coming from everywhere. This must be that curse Mezir was talking about. Well, at least he wasn't crazy.

After fighting alongside the orcs for a bit, I figured the best thing I could probably do was head into the temple and see if I could halt the plague at its source.

This shouldn't be so bad. Ancient evil. Undead. I think some water mage I met mentioned spell casting ghosts. I should have brought a picnic basket.

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