07 June, 2008

A Little More Grinding: Age of Empires 3: Asian Dynasties

I spent some more time unlocking cards in Asian Dynasties, and just in case this is somehow news to you, I like goofy stuff. Here is a screenshot of a particularly delightful moment.

It's not just delightful because I'm pummeling an enemy's city. It's not just delightful because my clan is named after a cartoon rabbit and the currently selected character is Dr. McNinja. No, the icing on this particular cake is that I had my music library on random play and the triumphant marching section of Monty Python's "Every Sperm is Sacred" was blaring away as my cannon's blazed.

That's one thing I take for granted on the PC. I can listen to any music while playing any game. It's a small thing, but for creating a moment like this, it is priceless. And I'm so looking forward to capping fools in GTA IV for the PC to Braggadocio I can hardly contemplate it. I know. Crime Spree would be more appropriate. I'm sure it will have it's time in the sun too. But who doesn't want to be blowing up cop cars with an RPG when the lyric "I stand seventy seven feet tall" is defiantly declared?


That's who.

Back to Asian Dynasties, I'm actually getting a little sick of playing the Japanese. Ninjas are a cool idea, but in the game they're not so cool. Yeah. It's fun to disrupt enemy supply lines by harassing the peasants with ninja archers. But it's too much micro management. If you go up and look at that screen shot again you'll see that I've got tons of resources I'm not using. I don't have time to wage war and screw around trying to assassinate enemy explorers, which aren't much of a threat to begin with.

It bears mentioning at this point that this is why StarCraft is still the greatest cooperative RTS ever made. By letting multiple people control the same team (instead of multiple teams fighting together), it allowed for divisions of labor. Someone could do recon and assasinations. Someone could just build bases. Someone could manage the air force. Most RTS games are just too much for me to absorb. But with the StarCraft model of cooperative play, they were much more manageable. Everyone could explore and learn to exploit their particular area of the game, compare notes, and improve quickly as opposed to constantly jumping all around the interface and getting frazzled. If Company of Heroes had had this type of play, we probably wouldn't have abandoned it after one LAN party. I've been listening to Shawn Elliot of 1UP (formerly of Computer Gaming World and Games for Windows Magazine) go on for almost a year about how much he's enjoyed the multiplayer in the game. Admittedly, he's playing against people and not the AI, like we do at our LAN parties, but I still feel like we're missing out on the game when I hear him talk about it.
**End Aside**

Plus my samurai always break formation and run off to get themselves killed. They're dumb. And finally, the monks I start the game with are moderately cool, but I think the only way I can hire more is to recruit them as mercenaries (for way too much gold). I want more, and more awesomer, monks. So I'm switching to Chinese.

And yes, I was just listening to Monty Python's "I Like Chinese" while playing. :D

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