It's been a while. I took a break from gaming for a while. Now that I'm back, here's what I've been up to.
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of WarI probably should have kicked up the difficulty on this one. As it was, I could always follow a two step process. Secure resource point. Take next resource point. I
never had to restart a map. Heck, I had a hard time losing
troops, and with the tiny unit caps in the game, that means I would have had to deliberately throw men to the wolves to build more cool units. Mind you terminators would have been worth it, but I'm not that ruthless when I don't feel any serious pressure.
Sid Meier's Pirates!I haven't finished this one, and I'm not sure I'll bother. I wanted to have fun being an explorer, but the crew on the ships doesn't like exploring, so there's frequent desertions and mutinies. Actually, the mutinies are great. Your men take a ship, then you attack them and take it back, somehow magically ending up with more guns and food then when you started. Still, it takes way too long to get to the point where you're ready to look for lost cities. And the dancing mini game that you have to do over and over to get to that point is pretty lame, too. No, the most fun I had with the game was modding it. I did it as a birthday present for a friend of mine, adding lots of Monty Python quotes and songs and a few other choice blurbs. I also made sails for his ship that more express his personality. The flag says DIE! and the sail has a picture of the cyberdemon from DOOM with the words "Mister Fancy Pants" on it. :) Also, when you're doing well in a sword fight, Matrix music kicks in. Heheh.
Joint OpsThis is where today's update gets its title. I have seen sillier things in Joint Ops than I dared imagine. I even caused some of them. We'll start at the non-silly and work up.
Here I am watching a helicopter leave the enemy main base.

This is on the Sulawa Spaceport map where you have to constantly ferry tanks from your main base to the island where all the objectives are. I swam over to the hovercrafts there and placed satchel charges on them. Someone drove a tank onto one of them and headed out.

So I did the obvious thing.

Next we have a new tactic that I invented. Only and idiot like me could have come up with this. First, you dump satchel charges on a vehicle.

Then you drive up next to an enemy vehicle.

Then you blow yourself up.

As you may notice, the person driving (in this case me) is totally fine. That's because you can't hurt players on your team with your explosives, just yourself. But it gets better. Sometimes, through a bug in the game I don't fully understand yet, you don't even hurt yourself. On one occasion there were three APCs attacking one of our bases. We drove by one, detonating our charges, and blew it up. Both of us survived. Then we restocked the hood, drove by again, and blew up a second APC. Then we got killed, but the point is that as soon as I can figure out what we did that made it so that both of us lived through the explosions, we'll be taking out tanks and APCs left and right. Fear the lowly amphibious jeep. Lowly no more. In fact, you can even attach the charge to a motorcycle, exploding it as you zip between enemy vehicles. You could also jump off the motorcycle as it rolls into the enemy base and detonate the charge from a safe distance. I'll just sum it up by saying that I expect to be enjoying experiments with satchel charges for a while.
But that isn't the topper for the evening. Oh no. Check
this out!

Yep. That's a hovercraft parked in the treetops.

Then it fell onto our resupply truck.

I could not stop laughing. I'm also still not sure how His Shadow got the thing up there in the first place, but I give him kudos for a job well done.