15 May, 2009

Game Journal: Free Realms

written on Thursday, May 14, 2009

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm just about ready to shut up about it. But it's got kart racing. How could I not at least try it?

I never see any games with humans when I check the racing lobby, but racing the AI is still pretty fun. I haven't seen any indication as to how you earn levels racing or buy different karts or racing attire. There was probably some pointer when I started the game a few days ago that I forgot about. The game really could use the "find a quest" button from Perfect World. But then so could every MMO.

There are also demolition derbies. (That word looks funny plural.)

The major difference between Free Realms' demolition derby and the norm is that the karts can hop in the air. Sometimes this can help you dodge. And if you can time it just right, landing on top of another kart does big damage.

The kart physics are a little loose and floaty. Every turn is a powerslide, essentially. It took some getting used to, but it's trying to be cartoony, so loose and floaty is appropriate.

I also wasted some time with pet training.

To train an animal to do a trick, you watch the computer draw a pattern in red, then trace it in blue. If you're close enough, the pet does the trick. The pet gets XP which lets it do the trick better. And you earn XP which allows you to learn new tricks to teach. It's super boring. Giving my pet a stupid name was the most entertaining part. :P

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